FamilySearch Center Patron Open Hours

Open Hours 6 to 8 pm Sun., Tues., Wed., Thurs.

This schedule covers two rooms in the Provo East Stake Center: The FamilySearch Center (FSC) and the FSC Annex in the same building. Line 1 is the day and date the center is open to the public for both. Line 2 is the stake responsible for this day in the Tri-Stake FamilySearch Center. Lines 3 and 4 (in yellow) refer to a special event, called Genealogy While You Wait held in the Annex during temple recommend interviews. (The Annex is across from the Stake President’s Office in the same building.) Lines 3 and 4 also provide the time when the event begins as well as the names of the Stake Temple & Family History Consultants and Ward consultants assisting. Line 5 is the name of the Stake or Ward consultant on duty in the FamilySearch Center. Lines 6 & 7 contain the name of the responsible Ward. Line 8 is the responsible Ward Leader who has a key to the building. Line 9 contains announcements.
The following schedules have been updated as of March 30: April, May and June 2024. To view, click on the appropriate monthly schedule. To PRINT or DOWNLOAD any schedule below, click on the link in the upper left of the schedule you want to download or print, then click on the appropriate tool to download to your computer, or to print.

FamilySearch Schedule Apr 2024_4

FamilySearch Schedule May 2024_5

FamilySearch Schedule June 2024_6